Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Life Is Getting Good Again!

Ah. I am so happy life is getting good again! It's not that I am even doing that much differently yet I am having a better attitude each day.

I started working again. Yes, it is only a temporary office job as an administrative assistant. It is super easy, yet the perfect thing for me to ease back into working life again. Yes, I was spoiled having a year off of working :) What a blessing. I adore the times when I have taken time off work. Time well spent on the internal and, this time, with my daughter.

The only negative thing I happily shake off is not feeling the best. I'm still dealing with sore hands and bones/muscles that ache or hurt. Honestly, I know what to do (stop drinking coca cola!) yet I haven't fully wanted to give it up. I'm managing.

I am simply so dearly grateful for my attitude changing and feeling better all around. All I needed to do was get out. To just do something. Even to do it badly. It's not that I'm doing it badly. The job I attracted to me is the perfect one for me at this time. I have spiritual practices I used to do that I see now truly helped me. You do something that's good for your body, your spirit and you don't necessarily see it at the time. That's me. With all this time I had to reflect on life, I certainly took in what worked and what I wasn't or am not currently doing.

When I get up these mornings before dashing off to my short commute to work my easy job, I am immensely helped when I do the morning pages, some leg exercises, eat some healthy oatmeal or scrambled eggs and take my vitamins. For now, I am grateful for doing these things for myself. I am grateful I am already at the point where I can manage getting off to work in the morning, being at work all day and keeping a great attitude about it, and then coming home to spend time with my lovely Bella (my daughter). We either have take out (yes, on the lazy days!) or make dinner and then have gotten into the great habit of taking puggi for a walki. :) I don't think about how bored I am where we live right now. I am grateful to get out and make myself exercise, along with the little dog. I've come to need the walking already. I love that.

I love doing good things for myself and then, in turn, needing to continue them. I have also continued to read positive things by the writers/bloggers I follow. I'm cutting down on my "television" watching and not as tied to the computer lately. I need to get back to writing. I need to, yet I am also gentle on myself. I do what I can to boost myself up so I continue getting to a space where I love life again. I know I will, I have so many times enjoyed life already. For now, I'm grateful for all the wonderful moments right now. Even if they are only moments, they are all welcome.