Tuesday, April 3, 2012

42 Things In 42 Years!

There are soooo many super-awesome people who write awesome things that I follow :) They're about travelling, building your own business and being able to live on the beach in the Pacific, releasing, the funniness of life. Some of these are young whippersnappers! I love that, too. I get inspired by their 27 in 27 years posts...so I'm challenging myself here to make my own but to keep it short :) So I actually finish! Ha! :)

42 Things I Have Learned In 42 Years To Make Life More Succulent,
To Move Through The Suckiness Faster,
To Get To The Part Where You Drink In The Good Things Again

  1. Breathe it in when it's good. Treasure those good moments, good days, good months, good years!
  2. Trust that life will get good again. It will.
  3. In quiet moments list in your head what you are grateful for. I do this when I'm falling asleep.
  4. Be outrageous! Live wildly when you can!!
  5. When someone asks you why as in "Why did you travel to 20 countries?" sassily retort: "Why not!" :)
  6. When you are stuck, move 27 things. I think the fabulous Denise Linn says if you move 27 things around it shifts the energy.
  7. Declutter! Why? Why not!
  8. Read inspirational, positive people/websites/books/blogs.
  9. Start by loving yourself. Keep loving yourself.
  10. Expect nothing. (Not from yourself of course!) This is a good trick or technique to get through days you're not especially fond of, like holidays or birthdays. This way you're overjoyed at the nice things that happen.
  11. Be grateful for even the smallest things. Even when life is going great for you. Especially when life is not going so great!
  12. If you are feeling crabby or unloved, do ONE (small or big) thing for yourself to nurture yourself and your spirit.
  13. Are you an artist? Even if you aren't, create art as often as you can. Who cares if you think you can't whatever. Just do it.
  14. Look at your art. Treasure it in your heart.
  15. Look at other art.
  16. Be open to allowing new things in. Listen to get a sign for the next book to read. Take a moment to talk and laugh with the person waiting in line with you to check out. Lovely moments are always happening!
  17. Cultivate a life you love.
  18. Have courage to release the negative and the toxic. Yes, even if it's your family. At the end of the day, you are obligated to nothing (no-thing) :)
  19. Allow yourself to flourish. I have loved sinking into more of who I am as I've gotten older.
  20. Jump into it! Take that daring leap and go live in that foreign country.
  21. It is true that your only regrets are what you haven't done - it can stay in your mind.
  22. Forgive yourself easily. For everything. For your interactions with others that didn't go so well. For not leaving sooner. For not jumping in soon enough.
  23. Allow.
  24. Make treasure maps. Some call them vision boards. I have collected pictures and phrases over the years and kept them. Now I get notebooks that were lying around and tape everything in.
  25. Surround yourself with images and phrases of what you want to bring in.
  26. Say yes when it comes in! Even if you're scared! Even if you forgot how it is to live succulently!
  27. Get some great shoes!
  28. Walk great places in your great shoes.
  29. Listen to what people around you are telling you with their words, their stories and their actions.
  30. Forgive yourself for anything you see as a mistake. My thing has been forgiving my parents for not teaching me more, and my mom for not loving me unconditionally.
  31. Access your beautiful interior. Do this by reading beautiful words and travelling to countries where you do not know the language so you must spend time by yourself.
  32. Believe the Universe/Spirit/God/Goddess has FABULOUS things in store for you!
  33. Yes, you are worth it!
  34. Surround yourself with crazy, succulent, fun friends!
  35. Trust that whatever journey you are on, you are meant to be on. Yes, I'm a single mom. Yes, I was with someone not so great. I feel sooo blessed to have my daughter, especially now that I'm not sure if I'll have any more beautiful children naturally :)
  36. Walk away from negative nellies faster. I haven't yet mastered the art of tuning them out while having experiences with them. I bless them and then bless myself for knowing I'm greater than their fears. :)
  37. If you have a dream, take one step towards it. Take another. And another. Pretty soon you biked 88 miles in one day :) Or wrote that first book (I've got 16,000 words already in mine!)
  38. Expect miracles. And then be grateful for what you allow in :)
  39. Treasure things/experiences/most of all people and release when its time.
  40. Be grateful your life is better now than it used to be.
  41. Trust your life will get fabulous again. I tend to have an "18 months of suckiness period". I know, it sounds funny. I'm grateful to have passed through another one!
  42. Learn. Learn about yourself. Set big dreams. Go for whatever is in your big, beautiful heart. Always believe in yourself!


  1. Now, number 27 I could do for sure! :)

  2. Awesome Mimi!! Show me them on your blog when you do :)

  3. Love it!! :)And 27 is a great idea! :)

  4. Food for thought, I like it! I am glad your 18 months are over and LOVE the positive energy you are emitting. :)
