Thursday, July 17, 2014

How To Sit Home and Eat Chocolate All Day

Hi there~

I just could hardly help myself! I was feeling very spent and tired from work at work and I really truly wanted to just sit home and eat chocolate! :) So...

How To Sit Home and Eat Chocolate All Day

1. Buy some fabulous-to-you chocolates.

2. Go home.

3. Rip them open.

4. Pop them in your mouth and long as you want!

5. Go take a nap.

6.  Wake up and do it all over again :)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Thank You

Hi Fabulous Peeps :)

I don't always listen to music~off and on a meditate around in silence. Or think up~thinking more positively to bring in more the life I truly want and am believing I deserve to live :)

I was listening to a few songs I adore a few minutes ago. I had to listen to one of them twice. And I after listening to this (next alphabetical thing on my iTunes!) theta healing I will go back and listen to:

Thank You by Dido

I wholeheartedly adore this song from the bottom of my toes!!!!

Do you have any songs like that?

For me this song reminds me of when my heart was bereft after kicking someone out of my heart in the year 2000...and it makes me think of when I went to Negril, Jamaica with my fabulous friend Sandy in 2001. This song makes me remember being there for a week that year and just loving myself. Jumping off that cliff. Sitting on that bench up in the cliffs watching the sunset every night. Banana pancakes that I still make. Ahhhh. What a heart~soothe....

I am so thankful for this song for reminding me that healing our heart is entirely possible. That there is life on the other side of where we are and getting eventually to where we want to be.

Thank you~ have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Missed A Year

I feel like I missed a year in my daughters life.

This year she is in fourth grade. She got her favorite teacher. Her fabulous teacher is jam-packed with love and energy and she's all about teaching in a fun way! We are grateful for a much smoother year! We still have the usual grumblings about the same particular kids who do funny things in her class~a boy who lives two houses down from my mom's house who's got it all and is growing into himself nicely, along with her friend who "stole" her looming idea. Ah, such is life! I like to give my daughter an outlet to release that which she doesn't like. I also make sure we also talk about what we want to dreamily bring in.

I am so grateful to be having such a spectacular year of schooling and life for my daughter! What a difference a year and a teacher make. I remember teachers who weren't the best from when I was growing up. Yes, it's good to have perspective. It's good to be who I am now so as to not put up with bad behaviors or wonky things.

I really feel we missed a year by having a teacher not all in. She taught my daughter and a whole school year passed and was passed by...but... It's truly interesting to reflect on teaching styles or even personalities. Makes me wonder why some people are so afraid of life? I am not! Such a far cry from my mom. I appreciate my mom's good intentions, along with the great things she does for us and the fabulous fun moments we share. And I must always remind myself when she criticizes or puts my ideas down if I even am brave enough to share them with her in passing, she is who she chooses to be~some of us are not fully living our lives or love ourselves. And perhaps that's the gift: I am wanting to work on loving myself more fully in an effort to take better care of my body. To this end, it allows me to notice the contrast more! And appreciate the great things!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reviewing 2013

How did this past year go for you?

I try not to follow too many blogs, but the cool ones I follow are taking time to review their past year. It's a great exercise to reflect on what went well and what you could have done better. It is great to reflect. I tend to not push myself with goals. I used to love doing that, but now I treasure the momentum I find in my life and stay way behind on shaming myself into getting things done.

One tool I did not utilize enough was fabulous Leonie Dawson's 2013 planner. I printed it out for myself. Her versions are always fabulously colorful. She reminds me a bit of colorful SARK. This year I am coloring mine in! This year I am making more of an effort to work through the whole book and I will strive to review more often. And I'm excited about this!

Here's What Went Pretty Fabulously:

I joined the Business Academy at Best. Thing. Ever! Very motivational for getting myself geared up to believing I could run my own business. I don't come from parents who encouraged us to become entrepeneurs and work for ourselves. They like the 'you've got to work hard for a long time' method. (More about my work later.) I have ideas and I am already talented at writing and I've had some success at pulling in money from writing clients. So I have a start. I love that I've shifted my mentality to want to actually work for myself eventually! I love that I've shifted to start thinking about what products or services I could sell to make a viable business. It truly helps that my daughter has automatic entrepeneurial tendencies already. I never want to squash her beliefs about making it happen, although I have no history of success with it. I keep encouraging her~and whatever she tries her hand at creatively she succeeds easily at!

I am still working at my same job! I am grateful for the opportunities it allows me on a day to day basis while reaching for my bigger dreams! My job is a great lesson in trust. I started on April 9, 2012. We have been through many changes at work, in management, in uncool workers leaving, and getting more stresses dumped on us all the time~these things are the supposed norm of work life nowadays. My trusting comes from still being employed in my position through a temporary employment firm. It's a great opportunity for me to trust where I am at, that I will continue to work and bring in money to keep a balanced life alongside improving my life and yet not freaking out as my mom keeps pointing out I "should" do. It's a challenging position where there is always work to do! I am at the point where I would like to be more valued, so we shall see what employment changes come about in the near future!

My daughter Isabella is ten years old! That means I have made it all these years as a single mom! I truly cherish my time with her~what an absolutely fabulous partner to have alongside me in my fun life! I love laying down with her before she goes to sleep at night. I especially love our laughter and giggle~fests!! In my heart, I'm happy being mama to my Bella! Sometimes it's a challenge and of course I am bad mama not making fabulous choices at times...when it comes down to it, I'm blessed to have her. I'm proud she's half-Cuban, gorgeous, creative, fun, entrepreneurial, and just pretty awesome!

I was able to release my fabulous Chevy Blazer with 243,000 miles on it. I even sold it! I learned a little bit about asking for more money. I am so grateful I could somehow shift into having a different car. I have been wanting a VW since my last one, so wa-la! I got a silver VW Jetta...and two months later a deer got us. So days before xmas, I got a silver VW Passat wagon and love it! I love the seat warmers! It's nice how things work their way into more of what we want. I wanted a wagon, so now I have one! I'm fixing a few things on it, which will allow me to love it even more! I also learned and found a better deal with the second VW. (Yes, a better deal that needs a few things fixed...and I'm okay with that). So now I have a car that can move us back to the ocean when we are ready!

Here's What Didn't Rock:
I did not travel. Yes, I went to fabulous Wisconsin Dells thanks to my parent's timeshare. And I'm grateful for it. This year when we went, my dad went with us and stayed in our two bedroom "apartment" and my brother and his fabulous family stayed next to us. The swimming was terrific! It was easier to walk 15 miles to the pool areas. So I am super grateful for this getaway. I feel like I was waiting mentally to sell my car and begin life. And I just never quite came up with money to go anywhere warm or out of the country. That's okay. It was a hope in my heart. And that hope will be worked on more vigorously this year! (I have my heart set on going to Costa Rica sometime in 2014. Bella and I will most likely go for 10 days, yet I'd love to go for the summer! Or even a month! Cabana boy suggested Tamarindo and I'm already in love with that area! Check out gorgeous sunsets and the life there with! Were my life to be even more fabulous and awesome, I'd love to also go to Greece, Australia, Bali, Fiji, Spain, Portugal...I'm flexible for that much fabulousness!) I'm hopeful I will go to at least one new country this year (it will be country #22 for me!!!) I am super grateful to follow some awesome travel blogs like and (they are awesome and I am also excited to keep reading their helpful book Dream Save Do to reach my goals of travelling more, paying off my debt and possibly living in a foreign country!).

I am super happy I continue to work and bring money in. However, at my medical scheduling job, I'm still a temporary employee. I am now more actively working on finding a job with benefits. I had a big improvement from my first summer at this job~yet still lacking energy after so much stress working every day. It's a busy job with a lot to do. More than a lot! I need to work on taking better care of myself and also bringing in a job that leaves me with energy for the other parts of my fun life.

In line with having more energy after the work day is over, I am still neglecting to take the best care of myself. I guess I'm starting with improving the mental parts first. I am overwhelmed. So it's a challenge which part of my life to choose to improve/clean up/make serious changes. For the last several years I've been a member of the "I'm doing the best with what I have" and "I'm good at making do" clubs. I do work with what I have. I'm excited to bring some changes in and shift into a thriving mode instead of feeling sorry for myself/my health/my reality and just not having enough or simply surviving. Only I can start taking the actions to make these changes. I love some of the people I follow for inspiration like on making changes one simple habit at a time or the way encourages decluttering and simplicity and less stuff = more you.

I also know there was not necessarily super sucky energy in the universe this past year YET there sure was a lot of suckiness being vacuumed out. Yay! I love that in my now 44 years, I have lived through so many ebbs and flows of life. While you're living life and it's not fabulous, you don't necessarily attribute it to the cosmos and the planets not aligning for great things. So happy 2014 is going to be an awesome year! I've got a lot of goals and am super excited to start or keep working on them and allow more happiness in my life by at the very least reaching for them!

Happy New Year to Fabulous You!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Why Do I Listen To The Negative Nellies?

Do you have any people surrounding you that are "negative nellies"? People who mean well but they are looking at Y O U R fabulous, succulent life through their glass-half-full lenses? Yeesh!! I do. It's my parents. Fortunately and unfortunately, they are the ones I go to when I'm at the end of my financial rope. Not for other things, but mainly for that. Each time I truly appreciate their help. But I have to put clear stoppers on them. Over and over again.

My dad pretty much sent me a scathing email. Saying I am enroute to a destitute path and that I appear to be waiting for something magical to happen without me doing it to fix everything. Whoa and wow! Reign that negativeness far far far away from me, please! That's my interpretation...and the response I got back was he was trying to encourage me. Whoa!

You know, as someone living in gratitude, I love to appreciate my parents for the fabulousness that they are. But they are not always fabulous. They have also been going through some things lately that are sooooo not at all about me.

Good things I've already learned~

When emotions leak out sideways because someone has chosen to not appropriately process it or express it, it is not about me whatever they might say or do to me.

Sometimes it's time to reign it in so you can keep creating fabulousness in your life. Sure, even loved ones veer off the path and turn into energy suckers. That's the perfect time to be clear and set boundaries. Or reset them. As often as I need to. Yikes. Sometimes people are just so living in fear they forget what I have requested or communicated I will no longer tolerate.

So grateful I learned this stuff when I was earlier! Otherwise I might actually take things personally. No thanks.

We must always always ALWAYS be our own champions. I hate to say we have to fight for anything, but for those parts of our lives that are not going very smoothly, we DO have to fight for what we believe to be true for ourselves until it is old hat. Those are the lessons in life.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a magical week!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Applauding the Dream~Livers

Hola Fabulous Peeps!

Every week is pretty amazing, isn't it? It wasn't all week that death was swirling around me, but I felt it. We had some great patients pass away too recently. And we had other patients that are forging forward with fabulous things!

I think it's super succulent when anyone marches forward fiercely toward their dreams! I think it's especially super wonderful when patients who might be somewhat near the end of their lives, say, buy an RV and plan to drive off into the warm sunset!

It's funny, I may work in a cancer clinic. However, for me it's a great way to earn my keep these days. AND expand myself in the midst of chaos and change in the workplace, challenging economic times the kinda devalue us as employees instead of how we could be boosted up, and more super lessons. I totally appreciate my job and I mostly love it every day. It's incredibly rewarding for different reasons.

I see patients of all kinds. We are taught to show kindness and professionalism. This is easy to do, for I am this way naturally when I am in my work environment. (And I've had soooo many different fun environments!) Most that succumb are left with only a little life to live. Bless them all, and I am grateful they touched my lives.

Even when my doctors advocate one thing, I inwardly love it when patients rebel and decide to forgo continuing with treatment to drive their RV somewhere warm for the winter. I sooooo applaud this. They deserve to live much more than they are meekly able to. I'm jumping for joy on the inside when people tell me about their fabulous plans spending 10 days in gorgeous, friendly Belize. I spent 2 weeks there in 1999, 8 days of that on a 43 foot catamaran with fabulous people! It's still a dream trip in my heart!

I want to honor one of my friends on that incredible trip to Belize. His motto was "no regrets". It fits in with living your dreams until the end! He may have met his end already, so what an incredible life he was able to live! Jungle hats off to you fabulous Bob, wherever you are!

So many of us aren't stricken with a disease that gives us a timeline. I'm super grateful to be alive these days where we can run furiously toward one or fifty dreams OR we can keep marching toward them with our drumbeat continuously beating toward our dreams! We are so blessed with people to connect with who share our dreams, and endless sources of fabulousness and inspiration!

I'm grateful for two direct sources of this for me, Hemal Radia and Leonie Dawson. Super grateful hugs to both of you! Leonie makes me realize how fabulous it is to be alive today where we can create fun words! Hemal is someone I have been working with longer to live better and live more of my dreams.

I am also grateful for you~! Thanks for reading! Keep up the great work of enjoying life!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's A Great Place To Be

Quick! Name 3 things you are grateful for in the comments below. It is sooooo good to be mindful about what we appreciate and savor in all parts of our lives.

I don't have a long commute or drive to my work, but for some time now I hardly turn the radio on. I choose to think positively and be grateful and aware of what I am seeing. Just today near the end of my walk with Biggie my pug, I saw a row of maple trees sprinkled with a few others that were just gorgeous with the redness of fall.

Truly, I am finding more and more to be grateful for every day!

The longer I live in my townhouse, I am grateful for the home I live in. I wasn't always. My daughter and I lived with my parents up until May, 2012. We lived in their walkout basement. It was about 1,000 square feet with a full kitchen, one bedroom, and a fabulous bathroom with a big Jacuzzi bath. I miss the bath!

I didn't know how I would be able to move out and if I would be able to pay for everything. And I hadn't been working steadily at that point. I was working two different office jobs through my temporary agency instead of getting a "real" job.

Everything worked out perfectly. Right before I moved out, I started at the job I'm still at. Yes, it's still through my temporary agency, yet I am still there savoring the learning and the fabulous coworkers and the gifts the patients bring.

It's funny, when I came to look at this place we now call home, I wasn't sure. Not sure at all. Yet I put myself in the place of being grateful it is better than what I just came from, along with splashing my walls in ocean, juicy passionfruit, and green grape colors.

Yes, so many parts of me still long to be living at the ocean and in warmth. Especially now that winter's nearly upon us! Yet... I am finding myself focusing on what I love about living here. Daily small things tug on my heart and gratitude muscles. I suppose it is only in being thankful for it all and most importantly the small things that we allow ourselves to keep moving toward who we want to be, who we are meant to be. Most of all, I am grateful for the me I am along with the me I am becoming!