Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 16: Something/Someone I Could Definitely Live Without

I could live without a lot of things. I lived without a television for three years. Then I lived with and briefly married someone who aquired three televisions for our home. I love the freedom it gave me. It made me harness my natural inclinations. Yes, I got bored. I was much more active, going out for three mile walks spontaneously (it helped that I lived by three fabulous lakes) or a ten mile bike ride to watch the sun setting and journal.

On days like today, when I wasn't so good to myself healthy-eating-wise, I could do without sugar. I love it when I eat healthy. I know I'm doing what my body wants me to do. I'm actually listening instead of succumbing to what I feel will "save me" or "my reward" for a "hard life". It isn't that hard. I am honored and grateful when people tell me I'm a great mom. I just do the things I do to take care of my daughter and bring her up every day. Today she gave me a list of "homework" for the weekend. This included cleaning up the house, including "everything". Precious. I told her I might need to hire her to help. :)

I could live without caffeine, which equivilates to drinking coca cola for me. I feel I need it but I don't want to need it.

At the end of the day, no matter what I no longer need or want in my life, if I take even baby steps toward releasing things I feel whole again. I feel like I'm on the road to me again.

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