Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 5: Something I Hope To Do

Hmm...so many things! One thing I would truly love to do is take a writing retreat in Italy. To spend hours every day (or as much as I need to) writing my curent book. And spend the afternoon and evenings exploring areas around the villa I rent or enjoying feasts of magnificent food. This is such a dream. I hope to go for six weeks or however long I can. I don't have to know how it will work itself out, I will put it out there to whisper into the universe's heart and know it will come to me. It would be lovely to take my daughter with me and someone I trust to take care of her while I'm writing, or to put her into classes while I write. Or perhaps I will be able to do this when she's old enough to entertain herself. We shall see how it comes about. For now, I can assemble my chairs back together and start writing my first book here in this life right now. Anything is possible!

1 comment:

  1. you're right, anything is possible. While she is at school is a great time to get working on your book. :D I hope you do it!
